Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Can You Be A Christian and a Democrat?

Is it possible for a person to be a Christian and a Democrat? That is the question.

I am a Christian. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He was crucified on the cross, was buried and rose from the dead. I believe that His shed blood paid for my sins and that no one goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

I am also voting Democrat in the up coming election. Many Christians find this shocking. How can someone that professes Jesus as Savior vote for a candidate from the “baby killer” party? How can someone that believes that Jesus is the Son of God vote for a candidate from the party that selects judges that back same-sex marriage? It’s scandalous!

A Pro-Life Democrat

Let me explain. I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is a great sin. It is the taking of another life; murder. However I don’t think that Roe –v- Wade will ever be overturned by casually elected officials.

Eight years ago the buzz in the Christian community was that if Bush was elected he would appoint Supreme Court judges and Roe – V – Wade would be overturned. It didn’t happen. The President did appoint judges but nothing happened. The Christian community came out to vote, elected a leader that reflected their values, and went home to wait and see what would happen. Nothing did. Why?

This comes as no surprise as most people that fill the pews are content to let their leaders do the work for them. They dutifully show up for church, participate as needed, some even tithe, but the majority are content to let their pastor read the word, pray and bring a message to them on Sunday. The delegate their responsibility to pursue God to have a relationship with Him, to the pastor and believe that all is well. They need do nothing more than show up on Sunday, sing some songs, put a couple of bucks in the offering tray and all is well.

This same philosophy carries over into the political arena. The political congregation is content and believes that voting for a candidate that professes their faith fulfills their responsibility. Cast you vote and go home and all is well. Becoming active in the political process is not needed. The elected official will do it all, interceding on Capital Hill for you.

Unfortunately the results in the Kingdom and the results on Capital Hill are the same. A luke warm congregation where nothing gets done, where no one is held accountable, where there is no progress.

Killing A Baby By Neglect Is Still Murder

I was watching a documentary on Health Care by the liberal Satan, Michael Moore, called “Sicko ”. I never thought that I would watch something by “him”, after hearing all of the Christian leaders decry his other films. But my stepdaughter said that it was very interesting and that even if I didn’t agree with him, I would at least know what the other side was espousing straight from the horse’s mouth.

So I watched it. It was very interesting, thought provoking and humorous. Even viewing this movie with rightwing eyes I was deeply moved. When the infant mortality rate in the United States is higher then Cuba something is wrong. In a country as wealthy as ours, how can we allow babies to die from lack of proper healthcare?

It is estimated that 17 out of 1000 babies are aborted in this country. The infant mortality rate is 6 out of 1000. Of the 17 aborted babies some would still be aborted if abortion were illegal as shown in history. For the sake of argument lets say that 5 of the 17 would still be lost. So the difference between aborted babies and the infant mortality rate is 6. Six out of a 1000 babies lost to abortion. That is ghastly and a national disgrace.

Now lets throw in health care, a key plank in the Democratic Party. In our current system millions cannot afford health care. The elderly, the poor and those in between are often the ones that suffer the most.

A recent study that was spread across the net revealed that those with a college education live longer than those with only a higher school education. Why? Because of the disparity in the health care that they receive.

The elderly that can’t afford their prescription drugs, the mother that can’t get proper prenatal care, the single father paying child support that can’t afford to visit a doctor. All of these result in premature death.

When you add the effects of lack of affordable health care into the mix and the loss of life it causes, then the Republican Party hardly holds the moral high ground on matters related to the preservation of life.

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