What Did Jesus Do?
Abortion. Same sex marriage. Stem Cell Research. All buzz words in the Christian community. All important issues that Christians face and consider when electing a candidate for public office. All abominations in the eyes of God.
What would Jesus do when faced with such things? How would He vote? I think that it is obvious that He would vote according to His Word. But would this be the end of it? Would this even be the most important issue, the end action? Vote and go home?
I don’t think so. I often wonder if Jesus would have even spent much time and effort effecting legislative change. Jesus didn’t do that when He walked the earth. His efforts were aimed at the hearts of man. We are living in a fallen world and no amount of legislation can change that. Jesus knew that so He spent His time preparing and equipping people to live in this fallen world – to be in the world and not of it.
I think that perhaps there is a great deal of merit in this. We live in a fallen world. You can look around and see the downward spiral that we are on. Can this be changed by legislation? I don’t think so. Can it be changed by a revival within the church? Absolutely. If those who call on the Name of the Lord would practice what He taught, would walk in love and live an example of His life before the world there would be change.
If the millions of Christians in this country would stand united in their actions, that’s the key, their actions – how they live their lives daily, it would be immaterial if same sex marriage were legal. It would not effect you. Your example of living a life of love would probably effect more change than any law could. It would require you to be more active in educating your children in regards to your beliefs. And it would probably require a closer walk with God, deeper fellowship with believers, and a greater faith and trust in God.
In Genesis we read of Adam and Eve and the fall of man. God could have made man to have no choice, no free will, but didn’t. Adam and Eve had a choice. In the face of evil they chose poorly. We still have those choices. God didn’t legislate the choice away from Adam and Eve and I don’t think that this is the answer today. The ultimate issue is what will you do as a Christian in the face of evil. How will you chose when confronted with evil?
How does this play into my choosing to vote Democrat in this election? It takes the smoke and mirror issues out of the equation and allows me to focus on the real political issues: the economy, the war in Iraq, the environment, health care, immigration, and the elimination of the middle class.
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Well said!
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